Understanding resource limits in kubernetes: cpu time – In the first post of this two-part series on resource limits in kubernetes I discussed how the ResourceRequirements object was used to set memory limits on containers in a pod, and…

Understanding resource limits in kubernetes: memory – When I started working with kubernetes at scale I began encountering something that didn’t happen when I was just running experiments on it: occasionally a pod would get stuck in pending…

Deutsche Automatenwirtschaft startet Impfkampagne

Motto: Mit Corona spielt man nicht! 14. Dezember 2021. Der Dachverband Die Deutsche Automatenwirtschaft e.V. (DAW) startet ab Dezember eine Impfkampagne, um die bestehende Kampagne der Bundesregierung in Richtung ihrer Kunden zu erweitern….

Lehrplan Test Analyst (CTAL-TA): Version 3.1.0 allein gültig

Die Version 3.0 des Lehrplans CTAL-TA ist seit 2. Dezember 2021 ungültig, da die sogenannte Sunset Period abgelaufen ist. Die CTAL-TA Version v3.1.0 des Lehrplans ist bereits am 2. März 2021 in Kraft…

Cloud CISO Perspectives: November 2021 – Google Cloud CISO Phil Venables shares his thoughts on the latest security updates from the Google Cybersecurity Action Team. Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service…

Latest Marketplace and Interop Working Group update – Learn more about the Foundation’s Interop Working Group and its mission Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter the Kubernauts for Rancher Pricing,…

Developer Productivity Ruled at Quiet KubeCon North America – This year’s KubeCon NA showed how important developer productivity has become and how much the discipline of productivity itself has evolved. Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as…

API Rating Agency Brings Consistency to API Measurements – The API Ratings Agency endeavors to create common API standards to measure performance and settle disputes. Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a Service lesen unter…

Zero Trust: Time to Get Rid of Your VPN – A comprehensive zero trust architecture (ZTA) is a big task and the best approach is to start small and expand. Mehr zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as a…

Cloud Attack Analysis Unearths Lessons for Security Pros – Researchers detail their investigation of a cryptomining campaign stealing AWS credentials and how attackers have evolved their techniques. Tweeted by @Lance_Edelman zu Kubernetes Services, Kubernetes Training und Rancher dedicated as…